Weight Loss Treatments & Semaglutide for Weight Loss

Foundation Health & Wellness offers a weight loss program in addition to same day urgent care and concierge medicine. Maintaining weight loss is typically the most difficult part of the weight loss journey. We offer coaching, diet and exercise advice, and medications if necessary. Our most common client questions and answers about our weight loss treatments and Semaglutide are discussed here. 

What type of treatment do you offer for weight loss? 

As part of programs and medications tailored to individual weight loss needs, we offer Semaglutide (brand name Ozempic or Wegovy). This medication is approved by the FDA for weight loss in persons with a BMI of 30 or greater, or BMI of 27 with at least one additional risk factor. Oral medications of bupropion/naltrexone and phentermine, B-12 and Lipo shots are also options available for weight loss. 

What sets this treatment apart from other weight loss treatments?

Our weight loss program is comprehensive, designed to help with lifestyle changes that will have long-term results. We do not offer a quick fix or trendy diet that results in rebound weight gain. The medications we offer are tailored to individual needs, with each person receiving coaching and having accountability for their progress. We have done extensive training on weight loss, so that we can help individuals be successful in their endeavor to lose weight and be healthier overall. 

Are there any specific aspects of this treatment you would like to highlight?

A hot topic right now is Semaglutide, so highlighting this would be beneficial. There is a lot of information in the media about diabetics not being able to get their medicine because of a shortage. We utilize a compounding pharmacy that supplies Semaglutide combined with B-12 for weight loss. Persons with diabetes are not affected, because the medication provided to our weight loss participants is not given in the same manner as that provided to diabetics. It is the same medication, but a different formula. 

Who is a candidate for this weight loss treatment?

Anyone wanting to lose weight and maintain weight loss is a candidate. We have many options including B-12 to give metabolism a boost, and Lipo shots which provide a modest weight loss of four to six pounds. We can help with large amounts of weight loss for people needing to lose upwards of 20 pounds to live an overall healthier life. 

For how long does a weight loss patient typically receive treatment?

Weight loss treatment is based upon individual needs. Our goal is to help our patients lose weight and keep it off, which requires coaching, diet and exercise advice, and medications if warranted. Lipo shots are typically for a four week period, while oral medications are reevaluated after 12 weeks. Semaglutide is typically administered for a minimum of 3 months, but may be given for one year, or longer if needed. 

If you are looking for a sustainable program for weight loss and maintenance, Foundation Health & Wellness can provide the necessary support to help you succeed in losing weight and living a healthier life.


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